The collection

Music of the Indigenous people of WA is influenced by the landscapes and stories of their past. Traditional music blends with an explosion of contemporary flavours to create a unique assortment of rhythms and harmonies

The reference collection of books, journals and online databases covers the ethnomusicology of the Indigenous people of Australia, their instruments, in particular the didgeridoo (didjeridu). Material held also includes books on Indigenous music marrying with contemporary music traditions, rituals and playing techniques, and songs in Western notation.

If searching for a title, use the author or title option in the catalogue, or do a subject search. Useful subject searches are: Aboriginal Australians - Music, Aboriginal Australians - Western Australia- Music, Didjeridu, Didgeridu music, Songs, Aboriginal Australian, Corroborees - Songs and music


The following is a selection of some of the State Library's Indigenous music resources.

Bilya / Richard Walley – Didgeridoo music.

Bran Nue Dae / Jimmy Chi – Original cast recording

Koolangka warangka / Djidi Djidi Aboriginal School – CD and songbook produced by school serving the needs of Noongar children in Bunbury and the South West.

The parents song / Josie Boyle – Produced for the Year of the Family and includes songs in Wongatha.

Saltwater Country / The Pigram Brothers – Offering from Broome's famous musical family.

You better run / Footprince – Band from Broome with members such as Mark Bin Bakar and John Albert.


Deadly sounds, deadly places: contemporary aboriginal music in Australia / Peter Dunbar-Hall and Chris Gibson

Didgeridoo: a complete guide to this ancient Aboriginal instrument : a playing instruction manual for the beginner to the advanced player / by John Bowden

Music and Dance in Traditional Aboriginal Culture / Alice M. Moyle

Songs of Aboriginal Australia / Margaret Clunies Ross, Tamsin Donaldson, Stephen A. Wild, editors

Songs of Central Australia / T. G. H. Strehlow