The State Library has a wide range of services, most of which are free. Book a computer, use the microfiche, print a document or visit the Justice of the Peace. 

Circulation Section of the Library and Information Service of WA

Ask a librarian

Librarians can assist you to find relevant information and provide guidance on appropriate resources for your research. 

Librarian Patricia Morris lending out books at Kwinana Public Library 1959
Borrowing items, Inter-Library loans and retrieval services.
Doing homework with books and a computer c1990-2
Computer and internet access at the State Library is free.  
Staff helping people in the eConnect space
Develop your digital literacy skills and connect to a range of online services in our eConnect space.
Justice of the Peace stationary
A free community service and no bookings are required. Open 11 am to 2 pm on Mondays. JPs are available to witness documents such as affidavits, statutory declarations, enduring powers of attorney/guardianship and to certify copies of original documents.
Checking microfilm for quality and completeness JS Battye Library 1969
Analogue micrographic readers, digital microfiche and microfilm scanners, 16mm players, VHS, DVD and other equipment.
Holding a picture of choir members in the refugee camp of Tanzania where members spent up to 12 years before relocating to Australia
A range of resources and services that the State Library of Western Australia offers to multicultural communities.
Workroom JS Battye Library of West Australian History and State Archives 1969
Copies of items can be ordered from the State Library collections for personal use, research, or display and publication.
Government Printing Office c1905
Photocopying and printing services are available for a modest fee.